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The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Type 2 Diabetes

November 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — friendswood @ 8:42 pm
snoring senior man

If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you likely do your best to eat right, exercise regularly, and see your doctor for regular checkups. But are you also monitoring the quality of your sleep? You should be aware of the connection between sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes because, as a type 2 diabetic, you are much more likely than the general population to suffer from sleep apnea. Together, these two conditions can lead to devastating consequences. Let’s talk about how you can stop them from ruining your health.


The Connection Between Diabetes and Your Oral Health

November 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — friendswood @ 8:05 pm
woman showing blood glucose monitor

It is estimated that almost 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, and an additional 8 million may have diabetes but be unaware of their condition. If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you are likely doing all you can to maintain your overall health. But what about your oral health? As part of National Diabetes Month, we are here to discuss how diabetes affects your oral health and the steps you can take to keep your smile functioning and feeling its best.
