Oraly Surgery After Care Instructions
Feel free to stay in our dental office until you feel comfortable.
- Nervousness can leave you shaky.
Continue to bite on gauze 15 minutes or until the bleeding stops.
- Prolonged bleeding is not a cause for concern.
- Slight bleeding is not a
- Call if concerned.
To prevent dry socket, for 24 hours avoid
- Smoking, spitting, or drinking through a straw.
Take medications as directed.
- Do not drive for 6 hours after taking pain medications.
Please be careful eating.
- Avoid hard crunchy foods the first two days.
- Chew carefully on opposite side for the first week.
- Be sure to provide yourself with a balanced diet.
For the first day avoid strenuous movement.
- Relax with feet up and head elevated.
Make people wait on you hand and foot.
- Everyone deserves to be pampered sometimes.
Some helpful hints: Rinse with salt water after the first day (1/2 teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water, 3 to 4 times a day). A good multivitamin with iron promotes healing as does citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables.
Call our dental office number,(281) 482-2631, for any reason or question 24 hours a day, If you are concerned, we are as well. We don't want you to worry!
Enjoy your fine dental restorations. Care for them as you would any prized possession.
There is nothing you will use as often and as long as your teeth. Call us for any reason, compliments or complaints.